Recognizing Our Veterans
In honor of Veterans Day, we recognize some of our Guardian team members who served our country.
Thank you to Tina, Josh, Nick, and Robert for sharing with us, and to all our Veterans, thank you for your service!
Tell us about your role in the military.
Tina Langdon, Portfolio Manager: I served in the U.S. Air Force for eight years – six years active duty and two years with the National Guard. My role was confidential for the first four years, then I went into surgical technology and delivered babies for military families in Hawaii, as well as worked with orthopedic doctors on broken bones. I returned stateside in 2000.
Josh Krohn, Maintenance Lead, Farmington Meadows (Beaverton, OR) and Stewart Terrace (Sherwood, OR): I served in the U.S. Coast Guard on a 110' patrol boat. We patrolled the coast for narcotics. I was stationed in Coos Bay, Oregon, up to Seattle, Washington, and back down the coastline.
Robert Alegrete, Maintenance Assistant, Villa D’Shirl Lee (Portland, OR): I served in the U.S. Marine Corps from June 1970 to November 1973. I was air supply and would jump out of planes to deliver supplies to troops. I also worked as security, protecting bases. My last duty station was Moffett Field, CA.

What inspired you to join?
Tina: After losing my volleyball scholarship due to a broken ankle, I needed a new plan for financial assistance to finish my bachelor’s degree. I joined and fell in love with military life. It set parameters and clear job-related skills. The travel and missions were like no other.
Josh: I was fresh out of high school, holding down a job as a construction worker. It was back breaking, so I decided to take up the military, for the free education, and, of course, let's not forget the $15,000 enlistment bonus. I believe these to be mostly the motivating factors, in all honesty.
Nick Cooley, Maintenance Technician, Quail Run and Fort Vancouver Terrace (Vancouver, WA): I was inspired to join the military after 9/11, it woke up the patriotism in me and made me realize I couldn’t just stand by while I was capable of doing more for the country that has done so much for me. I chose the Army as it’s what my grandfather and father both served in, as well as some close friends of mine.
What lessons did you learn that translate to your current role in property management?
Tina: My service taught me to stay calm, find the details, and seek solutions. I had an extended family that had my back due to the pressure situations we were in, which taught me to always put family first and to be committed to a combined team effort. It was the best free traveling adventure and gave me friends for life.
Josh: The military definitely will refine you, if you let it. I retained discipline, organizational structuring, the perseverance of enduring, and staying awake on limited sleep (ugh). Learning how to resolve, and then thrive, in a stress-induced environment. The relationships were also huge. We learned how to stay closely knitted together, sometimes it was do or die. This brought us closer, for sure. It becomes your first family, very quickly.
Nick: I learned how to be more capable, what my limits were, as well as how to reach them. The value of true teamwork was also something I was privy too. In the end, the most important thing I learned was that the most valuable thing you can have in any situation, is someone you can trust by your side.